
5 Tips on Food Choices to Increase Energy

More people are focusing on their health and how it impacts their life.

With apps, internet classes, and fitness wearables taking over the industry, technology innovations have also transformed how we think about health and wellness. However, as much as exercise is essential, it isn’t the only thing we need to consider – nutrition plays just as important of a role in how you feel.

According to a recent NPR study, over 80% of Americans’ diets are lacking in fruits and vegetables. A poor diet not only means you’re missing out on essential nutrients that are important to many facets of your overall health, but it may also cause you to feel exhausted all of the time.

Anywhere you look to research health you will undoubtedly come across the importance of nutrition in exercise. In reality we now know that nutrition is just as essential as exercising in terms of health, which is why the phrase “70% diet and 30% gym” is often used. ​​ This change in how we think about fitness has made its way into every aspect of information on the topic – from the publication level to higher level education curriculums. For those who’ve completed an online exercise science degree, the message that nutrition is equally crucial as exercise is now accepted and understood. For this reason, training experts today will emphasize the need for good nutrition in your plan, whether it’s eating to recuperate or power up.

However, there are times when we don’t have the luxury of following a healthy lifestyle that incorporates both good exercise and wise nutrition choices. This results in a lack of nutrients or exercise, making it difficult to recharge and move ahead. This can create a destructive loop that has a negative impact on your health.

Following a nutritious diet to naturally increase your energy levels is often a better alternative than reaching for a cup of coffee when you feel the need to charge up.

Here are five eating habits you should adopt to keep you energized throughout the day and avoid a loop of fixing a symptom but ignoring the cause.

Breakfast – start with a full tank

For a reason, it’s dubbed the most important meal of the day. Breakfast fuels our bodies with energy for the day while also maintaining blood sugar level at a stable point, according to sports dietitian Cindy Dallow. One benefit of this is that eating breakfast will make you feel fuller, which can help you avoid eating junk food. However, the idea here is not for you to load yourself with pancakes or bacon. Instead, choose high-protein food options like eggs, oats, and fresh fruit.

Eat smaller vitamin packed meals

Ditch the old idea that you should be eating three substantial meals a day, try eating lightly every three hours to give your body continuous fuel for energy. If you’re searching for some easy snacks, dark chocolate and avocados are both good options that have awesome health benefits too! Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and avocados are actually higher in potassium than bananas according to research, so both are great options for keeping a healthy sustainable energy level throughout the day.

Choose the right Carbs for sustained energy

Carbohydrates have gotten a bad reputation, but they are in fact your body’s main source of energy. The secret to success is to choose complex carbohydrates rather than simple carbohydrates. Because the former is digested at a more constant rate by the body, it distributes energy over a longer period of time. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health advises eating whole grains, whole-wheat foods, and legumes as complex carbohydrates to boost your intake.

Steer clear of “energy” bars

Because of their name, energy bars are often misdiagnosed as health food. Don’t be fooled by the name; these highly processed options can do more harm than good. The majority of energy bars are loaded with refined sugar, which will result in a sugar crash and leave you feeling drained. According to research published in the Open Heart journal, excessive consumption of added sugars damages the mitochondria, or cell’s powerhouse, and greatly reduces the body’s energy generation.

Enjoy your food, don’t rush through your meals

It’s more than just what you eat, but also how you eat. Because rushing your meals causes poor digestion, it makes it more difficult for your body to break down the nutrients in your food. Chewing slowly, according to a review published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, helps with digestion. So, to get the most out of your meals, chew carefully and, yes, enjoy them.

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