
CBD Oil Drug Test: Does It Show Up & What To Know

There are numerous goods on the market that contain CBD (cannabidiol) oil, which is a well-known remedy for pain and anxiety, as well as aiding in sleep. However, when it comes to CBD utilization, there’s also a risk of getting caught using marijuana. Does a CBD oil drug test exist? Short answer, no. But that doesn’t mean you could end up with a false positive for THC.

Stories of well-known personalities who obtained positive drug test results for the presence of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are surfacing all around the country. This is the component of cannabis that makes people feel high. Despite the fact that CBD oil is claimed to be THC-free, this is still happening.

Is there a chance that CBD oil users will test positive when subjected to illicit drug tests? What can be done to prevent it?

This post explains why a positive drug test might be attributed to CBD usage, which kinds of CBD are most likely to cause one, as well as what you can do to avoid it.

Does CBD Oil Contain THC?

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THC is the active chemical in marijuana that shows up in a positive drug test. THC is the most common cannabinoid found in cannabis plants.

It turns out that some CBD oils contain traces of THC, depending on the plant material used to make them. This includes low-quality isolates and many full-spectrum tinctures. A complete spectrum oil contains additional active plant components in addition to CBD.

Cannabis Types

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Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants that includes hemp and marijuana. Cannabis is the umbrella term for both hemp and marijuana plants – two distinct strains within the same genus. Both marijuana and hemp can be called cannabis, but they are two separate species.

CBD is one of the many active chemicals found in cannabis plants. One reason it’s becoming more popular is because it’s alleged to lack THC.

Hemp and marijuana are two different varieties of cannabis. The most significant distinction between hemp and marijuana is that hemp has virtually no THC. In fact, to be classified as hemp, a cannabis strain must have less than 0.3 percent THC. Hemp can be lawfully sold in a variety of items as a result of its legality.

Hemp is the source material for most CBD products, not marijuana.

There are several differences between marijuana and hemp when it comes to CBD oil. THC (the “high”-inducing component) is present in marijuana, while CBD is not. Only trace amounts of THC are found in hemp.

Hemp contains various cannabinoids, which are chemicals found in marijuana. CBD is but one example.

There are several ways to extract CBD oil from the cannabis plant. The extraction technique influences whether the CBD oil is considered an “isolate” or a “full-spectrum” product.

An isolate is a pure chemical with no additional active components or cannabinoids. Other active chemicals, such as cannabinol and cannabis terpenes, may be present in the full-spectrum compounds (the part of the plant that gives the plant its aroma).

Study of CBD Oil

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While some CBD oils advertise to be isolates, they may actually be full-spectrum oils that include more cannabinoids (such as THC) than they claim.

CBD, when combined with other cannabis plant compounds, was found to be more effective at treating inflammation and pain in a study conducted by the Lautenberg Center For Immunology and Cancer.

These cannabinoids were extracted from a full-spectrum product rather than just a CBD isolate. This is one of the reasons that full-spectrum solutions (those containing THC) are so popular.

However, if you are being tested for drug use, the difference between full-spectrum oils and isolates makes all the difference.

Reasons for Failing a CBD Drug Test

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There are a variety of common causes for someone to fail a CBD drug test.

Using Product With THC

The most frequent reason for a failed CBD drug test is that the subject is using a product that has THC. This might be a full-spectrum oil. However, it could also be a low-quality isolate product with a little amount of THC.

Although most manufacturers state that their products do not include THC, this is not always the case.

Cross-Contamination of THC

It is possible for only a little amount of THC to remain in the substance from which CBD is created and enter into the CBD oil in sufficient quantities to produce a positive drug test. When CBD oil is purchased from dispensaries where cannabis is legal, this risk may be higher.

Products Are Often Mislabeled

Hemp-derived CBD oil is not supposed to contain more than 0.3 percent THC. It’s not uncommon for sellers to incorrectly market their items as THC-free hemp when, in reality, they’re low-quality oils produced from marijuana. And yes, marijuana does include THC.

CBD is a cannabinoid that has been used in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and other disorders for quite some time. However, owing to its status as a legal supplement sold across state lines, it is not subject to the same regulations as recreational marijuana products. According to one study, more than 70% of CBD goods purchased online were incorrectly labeled.

Secondhand Exposure to THC

Accidental exposure to marijuana is unlikely to be enough for someone to obtain a positive drug test result. However, it’s conceivable. Being exposed to enough THC-containing smoke over several hours may cause the inhalation of enough THC and produce a positive test result.

A positive marijuana hair test is a more likely secondhand exposure situation. This comes from direct contact with marijuana devices or someone else’s THC on their hands.

For example, suppose that a person who has had direct contact with marijuana touches your hair. It’s conceivable that you’ll get a false positive on a drug test if your hair is tested.

CBD Oil Breakdown in the Digestive System

In rare cases, CBD oil that decomposes into extremely low traces of THC in the stomach has given false positive test findings. However, other research have debunked this finding.

When “less-purified CBD production’s” are taken into the stomach, there is still a theoretical chance that THC traces may be found in stomach acid.

How to Avoid a Positive CBD Drug Test

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If you use CBD oil, there are a few things you can do to prepare for a drug test:

  • Do your homework to ensure that the CBD product you’re using is genuine and pure.
  • Look for companies that have been approved by the Better Business Bureau.
  • Ensure that the CBD oil you’re buying is a pure isolate derived from a high-quality industrial hemp supply. It should not be a low-quality tincture.
  • Inquire about the company’s product processing methods and the risk of cross-contamination.
  • Secondhand exposure to marijuana use via pot smoking or hair contact from THC users is a risk.

Summary on CBD Oil Drug Test

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The term “CBD oil” refers to any type of CBD product, regardless of whether it has THC in it. Full-spectrum CBD oils include other cannabinoids as well, including THC.

If you’re using CBD oil, you need to be proactive in order to pass a drug test. Most importantly, make sure you’re using a genuine CBD product from a respected manufacturer.

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