
How to Be the Best Version of You And Live Your Best Life

Everyone wants to be their best self, but few people actually accomplish it. We are our own worst foes when it comes to attaining success, pursuing our ambitions, and living a life full of passion and purpose.

Some of us are self-destructive without even knowing it, while others are aware of the problem but lack the necessary tools or information to change. However, regardless of who you are, there are six central habits that continually prevent people from becoming successful.

What Does “Be Your Best Self” Mean?

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You’ve made the decision to improve your best self, but what exactly does that phrase imply?

The meaning of “best self” is personal. Your best self could not be the same as yours or your family’s. As a result, do not be lured into comparing yourself to others. Instead, keep in mind your own definition of your finest self.

Furthermore, your “best self” does not have to be the same thing all of the time. Your concept of your finest self will vary in all aspects of your life, so don’t be hesitant to adapt.

Taking control of your life generally means using your best self. You become more powerful to make choices that will make you happy when you take charge.

Remember, more than anything, that your best self doesn’t always mean victory. All aspects of your life can’t work out the way you want them to. That isn’t how things work in real life. Instead, it’s all about recognizing that being your greatest self entails showing up for every obstacle.

Even if you ask your most successful confidants, they’ll tell you that developing your best self isn’t an overnight project. It might take a lifetime on occasion. Just get ready for the adventure and enjoy it as it comes.

Finding Motivation to Be Your Best Self

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Your motivation should stem from the reasons you want to improve your life. You may lose sight of why you’re making an effort to become better if you don’t know your objectives in the first place.

Motivation can be divided into two categories: intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is derived from your ideas and principles. For example, you want to be the best you possible because it makes you feel accomplished.

Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is influenced by external events such as avoiding punishment, appreciation, or reward. For example, you want to be your finest self in order to earn a raise at work or to impress your closest friends.

Whatever your motivation for wanting to improve, keep it in mind. As a reminder of your objectives, make use of it as an anchor.

How to Become the Best Version of Yourself

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The road is long and difficult, but the objective is straightforward. The strategy, on the other hand, is quite simple. Let’s go over the plan a little more closely.

In the long run, it’s critical to have a strong motivation because many entrepreneurs lose their enthusiasm after it has worn off.

1. Visualize Your Future Self

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Consider your ideal self. What does s/he look like? What manner of language does she/he use and how does it differ from yours? How would you describe her/him to a friend or family member?

Define your ideal self in measurable and attainable terms. You might say, “He is kind and treats everyone with compassion,” or “She is strong and eats healthy food to improve her health.”

Taking the time to write these things down and keeping them somewhere you’ll be able to see them at least once a week is ideal. This will assist you in reminding yourself of your goals.

It’s also critical to place a high value on these items in order to be your best self. You might have a lengthy list of things, which is fantastic! However, try to prioritize one thing at a time.

For example, you may start by striving to eat healthier by replacing bad food with fruit. Once this becomes a habit, you can attempt to speak more clearly in meetings with your employer. Take it one step at a time and see how quickly you advance as a human being.

You may also write a letter from the perspective of yourself 10 or 20 years down the road to assist you picture your future self. What would they want to say? What do they say to you, and how do they regard themselves and their life? This will truly assist you in gaining an understanding of the personality you may develop with time and effort.

2. Tackle Your Goals

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Begin with the shortest timed objectives first. “I will floss every day” should only take a week or two to master, but “I will run a marathon” may well take months.

the ones you know you can accomplish quickly in order to boost your confidence. You will be one step closer to learning how to be your best self once you have successfully completed each habit into your freshly created lifestyle.

You’ll also get some momentum as you go, which will help you keep going. You’ll be so full of new abilities and enthusiasm that you’ll approach tasks like implementing long-term goals with ease.

3. Ensure Your Goals Match Your Purpose

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Remember that each objective should have a meaning. It’s possible that after several months (or years) of doing something, you’ll realize that one of your objectives no longer reflects your passions or priorities.

Maybe there’s no need for 10% body fat, but you value functional strength and cardiovascular endurance. In this scenario, you’d adjust your strategy to match your new objectives. Rather of concentrating on body fat percentage, you should focus on developing strength and endurance.

Take at least once a month to make sure your objectives continue to point you in the direction of your primary and life goals. If they aren’t, take some time to adjust your vision and strategy.

4. Offer Yourself Unconditional Love

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If you want to be your best self and break away from the norm, you must offer yourself unconditional love that you probably haven’t received before. In order to grow, you must unconditionally accept your present state without judgement or criticism.

When you work from where you are now, you’ll be able to leave your comfort zone without fear of failure or rejection since you know your self-love will not waver. Take a few steps forward and then back again if you fall backward. Remind yourself of good, encouraging thoughts, evaluate your mistakes, accept yourself kindly, give yourself positive self-talk, and push yourself forward once more.

You may develop your own personal style, but you will always be yourself.

5. Stop the Fear of Failure

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Do you worry about what your cherished pals think of you if you fail? Does failing make you concerned that others will believe you’re a dimwit and not a successful individual? Do you worry about the future and the lifestyle you want after a failure? Do you let people know ahead of time that you don’t expect to succeed or thrive in order to reduce expectations?

, you may be suffering from atychiphobia, or the fear of failure. It’s vital to understand that failure is a natural part of every aspect of your life, and it doesn’t imply the end of the world.

Richard Branson, Michael Jordan, and Bill Gates are just a few examples of highly successful individuals who have failed before. Even your closest friends have fallen short on occasion. Failure is necessary since it allows you to learn important lessons that can help you achieve greater success in your life.

Analyze all potential outcomes, practice positive thinking, create a worst-case scenario to ease your worries, and establish goals to conquer your anxieties.

6. Stop Procrastinating

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Perfectionism causes procrastination. Procrastination is simply another type of sloth. Self-sabotage is the purpose of procrastinators. Procrastinators are derailed by minor distractions that ultimately prevent them from achieving their objectives.

There are many variations of procrastination .

To stop procrastinating, focus on your actions and make them precise and calculated. Create some form of accountability and set goals that are tiny, manageable, and readily achievable in a way that is meaningful to you.

7. Stop People Pleasing

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Do any of these descriptions seem to describe you?

  • I want everyone to like me
  • I’m scared/I try to avoid disagreeing with people
  • I never speak my mind
  • I never say no (I’m a yes-man)
  • I never get angry
  • I never tell someone how I feel, even when they make me angry
  • I’d rather go along with the pack than stand my ground

If any of these describe you, I want you to tell yourself, “No more!”

It’s time for you to stop playing the “doormat” and start acting like a selfish individual. A piece of you dies every second you continue to play the people-pleaser role.

8. Stop Criticizing and Judging Others

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Do you observe how some people have a short temper when it comes to people who express views that differ from theirs?

Do you realize how quickly people are to judge and categorize others without first getting to know them?

Negative energy is the enemy of your full self-actualization. You must get rid of all bad energy in order to become the greatest version of yourself. Negative energy has the potential to harm a person’s self-esteem and self-worth. You’re also sending out buckets of negative energy into the world by yourself.

Those elements are rarely abundant in the lives of those who are selfless and cheerful. In fact, they go on to accomplish more than those who are selfish and bitter with the world.

Don’t assume anything and don’t criticize or judge others; remember it’s not about you, and pretend to walk in their shoes to get a different perspective on the issue.

9. Stop the Negative Self-Talk

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  • “I could never lose 20 pounds.”
  • “I’m so stupid, I could never do that job.”
  • “I’ll look stupid and weird if I try to wear some of those clothes.”

When you are praised for your work, you respond, “That’s nothing.”

Negative self-talk is the most frequent form of self-sabotage that individuals report. When people tell me things like this, I am always suspicious about their personal development. Negative, unhelpful thoughts are damaging to all aspects of our lives and can actually lead us to do everything we can to avoid dealing with ourselves.

The story in your head is a thousand times worse than the actual event in your daily life.

Final Thoughts

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Each success you achieve in your life will help you learn how to be your best self. Each victory will highlight a decision and a plan that you made, as well as the effort you put forth to improve yourself. You learn more about self-improvement each time you conquer a new challenge, and with the learning of each new talent or the discipline of each concentration, it becomes considerably easier to advance to the next objective.

It’s a long road to the top of the hill, but it’s well within reach and well worth the effort. Begin climbing right away, and you’ll be well on your way before you even realize how difficult it is.